Welcome to St. Ed's Young Adults group! We're excited to offer this ministry for young adults (18-35) and hosting great opportunities for years to come. Here you can find information regarding our mission and our upcoming events. We hope that you and your friends will consider joining us for many of these events.
We create opportunities for social and most importantly spiritual growth within the community. Community here, though, is not just limited to the events or Bible studies: community is fostered within the hearts of our members' desire to evangelize and grow.
Our Ministry provides monthly social events, such as BBQs, karaoke nights, holiday parties, and theme nights that spark interest in our community. Desiring a build for deeper community, our leaders extend themselves through spiritual invitations to join Bible studies, Adoration, and community Masses. Faith does not stop in the Church nor at an event, but is woven within the hearts of our leaders/members and their mission to find those who desire those same principles of mission in this way.
Our Mission
To enlighten ones faith with charity and hope.
To empower the future of the Church with the spirtual tools of the past and present.
To Engage the hearts of all Catholic young adults in search of faith and community.
February 14–16, 2025
A weekend of public discussions,
exhibits, and live performances to explore how memory and hope shape
daily life: work, education, affection, and society.
24 Events
Over 60 speakers
Over 300 volunteers
Over 12,000 visitors
Good Times
Diocesan Young Adult Neighbors
Young Adult Neighbors (NY)

Our Parish
Please visit https://saintedwardchurch.org for more information about our parish family.